Mom has not really left her bed in a couple of days. She has stopped taking the chemo pill. Since she started taking it, her pain level increased and she had no appetite. Hoping now she will regain her appetite. Pop and I are still having her take pain meds every four hours. I am not sure how I am making it each day on 3-4 hours of sleep but somehow has not caught up with me yet.
Mom has been different this last week. I can tell she is drained and just done with all this. That sparkle in her eyes is hard to see. I don't want to think its completely gone. Mostly spends all her time in bed and does not say much to Pop or me. It is so hard to watch...
I finally have her sitting up in her recliner right now. This morning I went to get her a biscuit (she had three bites) and told her there was a movie on with Noah Wyle. She loves him so she sat down to watch it. I think she maybe watched 5 minutes before falling asleep. Sound asleep in her recliner but at least she is out of her bed.
Pop is still doing great but on my last nerve. He is trying so hard to stay upbeat and make me smile. I love him for it but he is going overboard. Yesterday I spent the late afternoon cleaning and turned to find him behind me almost every 5 minutes. It was either asking if he could help, what I was going to do next, did I want to watch a movie, had I ever seen this picture, and then he went one too far. In the middle of cleaning the bathroom he comes in just grinning with a stack of photos..... He went and printed a new set of pictures from my 30th birthday party and had cut my ex out of every picture that he was in. Here I am scrubbing the shower and he is standing there showing me picture after picture just smiling thinking he just did a great thing. I still am not sure if I want to smack him or hug him for doing that.
I know it is a short update and wish it could be better news.
One day at a time.....
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Thank You Noah Wyle
Posted by carrielynnstl at 9:36 AM
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